RV2 user interface

There are three ways to access the functions and features of RV2:

  • the Rhino command line (all funcionalities and features available)

  • UI: the RV2 dropdown menu (all funcionalities and features available)

  • UI: the RV2 toolbar (most funcionalities and features available)

Any of the three methods can be used to use RV2, and th interface of choice is simply up to the user's preference. For this workshop, the dropdown menu and the toolbar will primarily be used.

1. Command line

Simply start typing RV2_... in the Rhino command line, and you should see a dropdown list of all the available RV2 commands.

2. Menu

The RV2 menu is organized in the sequential order (0, 1a, 1b... 6, from top to bottom) of the steps of the RV2 workflow. The RV2 menu includes all available functions and features of RV2.

3. Toolbar

The RV2 toolbar is organized in the sequential order (0, 1a, 1b... 6, from left to right) of the steps of the RV2 workflow. The RV2 toolbar includes most of the available functions and features of RV2. It is the "condensed" kit of parts for the entire RV2 workflow, and offers the user a quick access through the command line, to all the key features of RV2.

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