RV2 workflow

TNA workflow

The relationship between: the compression equilibrium shape, the thrust network or the "thrust diagram" (G); its planar projection (primal grid Γ, or the "form diagram"); and the reciprocal diagram (dual grid Γ*, or the "force diagram" ).

RV2 workflow

The workflow of RV2 is based on the theoretical framework of TNA, which can be broken down into 7 main steps.

1. Create and Modify Pattern

A Pattern describes the topology of the FormDiagram. A Pattern is a collection of vertices interconnected by lines or "edges". RV2 provides several methods for generating a Pattern and various mechanisms to modify and refine its geometry.

2. Define Boundary Conditions

In this step, additional information is added to the Pattern, such as identification of the support vertices and refinement of the geometry of the unsupported boundaries.

3. Create Form Diagram

Once the support vertices have been defined and the boudaries have been properly modified, the FormDiagram can be created from the Pattern.

4. Create Force Diagram

Once the FormDiagram has been successfully created, the ForceDiagram can be created. In its initial state, the ForceDiagram is the topological dual of the FormDiagram; the two diagrams are not yet reciprocal.

5. Horizontal Equilibrium

In order for the FormDiagram and the ForceDiagram to be reciprocal, the edges of one diagram needs to be perpendicular to the corresponding edge in the other diagram. Horizontal equilibrium solver iteratively repositions the vertices of the FormDiagram and/or ForceDiagram until the perpendicularity criteria (within desired angle tolerance) is met.

6. Vertical Equilibrium

Once the FormDiagram and ForceDiagram are reciprocal (in other words, in horizontal equilibrium), the geometry of the ThrustDiagram can be computed. The ThrustDiagram is equivalent to the FormDiagram with the updated z coordinates of its vertices (therefore updated self-weight at each vertex).

Given a desired target height of the eventual ThrustDiagram, vertical equilibrium solver iteratively re-scales the ThrustDiagram in the z-axis, until the highest vertex of the ThrustDigram lies at the desired target height.

7. Materialisation

Once the vertical equilibrium has been computed, the geometry of the ThrustDiagram can then be used to develop materialisation and fabrication strategies.

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