From Surfaces

From Surfaces

RV2pattern_from_surfaces is a new developed feature based on previous command RV2pattern_from_rhino_objects.

A single 2D or 3D non-trimmed Rhino NURBS surface or multiple joined, non-trimmed surfaces can be used to generate a Pattern.

To generate a pattern simply select the icon “create pattern” --> “From Surfaces”, then select a single Surface or Polysurface and press Enter.

  • Quad-surfaces are subdivided based on UV mapping of the surface, given a default subdivision value for UV. You can differentiate the subdivision value in U and/or V direction by selecting an edge.

  • Non-quad surfaces are subdivided equally throughout the surface based on a subdivision value “n” and Catmull Clark subdivision. The n value must be an integer that is power of 2.

Modify Subdivision :

Once the default pattern is generated you can select "Subdivide Entire Mesh" to further subdivide the entire mesh by giving a new subdivision value. The subdivision value can be any integer for quad surfaces, and an integer that is power of 2 for non-quad surfaces.

To subdivide a single edge strip, select "Subdivide Edge Strip", then select a mesh-edge that belongs to the strip, and give a subdivision value following the same restrictions for quad and non-quad surfaces.

Continue modifying the pattern until you are satisfied. Select "Finish Subdivision" or press Enter to finish.

You can follow the steps of the following video and experiment with Subdivision Modification until you are satisfied with the Pattern.

Last updated