3. Create form diagram

Form Diagram

FormDiagram is the 2D projection of the thrust network. In RV2, a FormDiagram is represented by the mesh datastructure.

The boundary condition information, such as the support locations and loading conditions, is automatically inherited from the Pattern. Any edges of the pattern, of which both endpoints are supports are removed from the FormDiagram.

A FormDiagram is represented by the mesh datastructure.

Depending on how the support vertices are defined, corners of the Pattern are automatically processed during the creation of the FormDiagram.

Thrust Diagram

In RV2, the ThrustDiagram representing the thrust network, is an instance of the FormDiagram, with the only difference being the zz coordinates. A ThrustDiagram is simply an alternate visualisation of the FormDiagram with updated zz coordinates. When a FormDiagram is successfully created, the ThrustDiagram is automatically created.

A ThrustDiagram is represented by the mesh datastructure.

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