Free-form tile vault

This example will show how to generate the ThrustDiagram for the Free-form Tile Vault built by the BRG in Zurich, 2010. This example will show how to:

  • Create a Pattern from Rhino mesh object

  • Relax Pattern using custom force density values (control the curvature of the unsupported boundaries)

  • Refine crease in the ThrustDiagram by modifying the ForceDiagram (to make/accentuate creases)

1. Pattern

1a. Create pattern

For this example, a pre-made Rhino mesh will be used to generate the Pattern. Unzip and open the file below, and do: Create pattern > From Mesh.

1b. Modify pattern

Identify fixed vertices

Before the Pattern can be relaxed with custom force density values (q), fixed vertices first need to be identified. By using the Corner and ByContinuousEdges selection options in Modify Pattern > Vertices Attributes, set is_fixed attributes of the vertices to True.

Relax pattern

Once the fixed vertices have been identified, force densities can be assigned to the edges and the Pattern can be relaxed. By using the Continuous selection option in Modify Pattern > Edges Attributes, force density values can be defined for continuous chain of unsupported boundary edges. With new force density values assigned, the Pattern can be relaxed using Modify Pattern > Relax. Setting qs and Relax can be repeated iteratively to achieve the desired curvature of each of the unsupported boundaries. For this example, these q values are used.

2. Define boundary conditions

Once the Pattern has been relaxed, anchor vertices can be be defined. In this example, a few more vertices are manually added by using the Manual selection option in Define Boundary Conditions > IdentifySupports. The vertices that are already fixed are automatically defined as anchors.

3. Create form diagram

4. Create force diagram

5. Horizontal equilibrium

After a few hundred iterations, horizontal equilibrium is found.

6. Vertical equilibrium

Use TargetHeight parameter in Vertical Equilibrium to achieve the desired height of the ThrustDiagram. In this example, TargetHeight of 4.5 is used.

7. Modify diagrams

The creases of this ThrustDiagram, the edges indicated in the image below that span from anchor to anchor, can be refined by modifying the ForceDiagram.

By moving the vertices of the ForceDiagram to elongated the edges corresponding to the creases, the transition at the creases can be smoothened and refined.

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