8. Additional Load

Now suppose we need to install a sign on the Armadillo Vault at the red point in the following figure. You can view it as an additional point load that is added at the node of the Thrust Network. Can you modify the Thrust Network to achieve the ideal equilibrium?

Here, we need to select the vertex where the live load is added and set the vertex attribute pz of the live load.

# ==============================================================================
#  Selevt Vertex
# ==============================================================================
guids = compas_rhino.select_points(message='Select Points of live loads')
points = compas_rhino.get_point_coordinates(guids)
gkey_key_dict = thrust.gkey_key()
for pt in points:
    vkey = gkey_key_dict[geometric_key(pt)]
    form.vertex_attribute(vkey, 'pz', 10)

# ==============================================================================
# Recalculate Vertical Equilibirum
# ==============================================================================
thrustdata, scale = proxy.vertical_from_zmax_proxy(form.to_data(), zmax=zmax, kmax=kmax)
thrust = ThrustDiagram.from_data(thrustdata)

Now you can draw again the forces in the edges:

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