Anaconda (Mac)

Anaconda is a distribution of the Python programming language for scientific computing, that aims to simplify package management and deployment. Anaconda uses the concept of creating environments so as to isolate different libraries and versions.

1. Download the anaconda installer

Download Anaconda installer from the following link. Click Download.

Choose the version you want to download.

2. Launch the installer

Find the installer in your Downloads folder and double-click it to open the installer.

Allow the installation.

Click Continue three times.

"Read" the Software Licence Agreement and click Agree.

No need to Change Install Location unless you’re installing for all users (which you shouldn't). Just click Install.

With this, you have chosen to install this software in your home folder. So you can find it there. (Or it might be inside a subfolder opt).

Then the installation will start.

Afterwards, just click continue.

It will tell you that the installation was completed successfully. And then close.

3. Terminal

The Terminal is a command-line system that can help you quickly take control of your Mac and make changes. Your terminal should look somewhat like this. (It doesn't matter if it might have or not have the information about The default interactive shell is now zsh. To update ...).

On the left in brackets it will show your conda environment, followed by your home directory (~) and your username:

Don't worry, it maybe looks scarier than it is, and we will not typically work with it.

Last updated