The main library of COMPAS provides flexible data structures, a geometry processing library, robot fundamentals, numerical solvers, and various other components as a base framework for computational AE(F)C research.

0. run python in Rhino

Start Rhino and type "EditPythonScript" in your command line. This will create an IronPython directory automatically in the location C:\Users\u_name\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\Plug-ins\IronPython (814d908a-e25c-493d-97e9-ee3861957f49)\settings\lib on running the command a rhino python editor dialog box opens up. you can close the editor and rhino.

this step is perticularly important for Rhino 7 users

1. Open your Anaconda Prompt

From the Start menu, search for and open Anaconda Prompt.

2. Create an environment

Now we need to set up a conda environment and install git, python, and cython in it. You can choose any name for the environment. Here we've used csd2.

Copy the following line by line in your anaconda Prompt.

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda create -n csd2 git python=3.7 cython
conda activate csd2

Proceed choose y or just enter.

In the end, you will achieve this, which means you change from the base to csd2 environment.

3. Install COMPAS main library

Install COMPAS using pip from the Python Package Index.

pip install cython --install-option="--no-cython-compile"
pip install COMPAS

If your environment already has cpython, you will see the following. Otherwise, it will be installed.

Congrats! The installation succeeds! After installation, you can verify if the installation is successful.

import compas

4. compas_fofin

pip install git+

5. compas_tna

pip install compas_tna

6. RhinoVAULT2

Copy the following line to install rhino vault 2.

pip install git+

7. Install COMPAS in Rhino

Activate the environment containing the COMPAS installation, then type the following line. You could provide your Rhino version number (6.0, 7.0). The default is 6.0.

activate csd2
python -m compas_rhino.install -v 6.0

Now open your rhino and enter the command EditPythonScript. Copy the following code and run the green button. You should see 1.0.0 in your output.

import compas

Last updated